water quality

Field Updates January 2022: Understanding Continuous Water Quality Data

A steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was captured from the Chorro Creek sub-watershed and measured before safely being released back into the water.

Field Updates December 2021: Water Quality Monitoring and Local Steelhead Populations

A full stream runs after the October 2021s storm.

Field Updates October 2021: First Rain, Groundwater Recharge, and Runoff

Bioassessment 2021: the results are in! How healthy are local creeks? Plus a new video!

This student measures for pH

Day in the Life of a Marine Chemistry Research Student: Testing Ocean Chemistry in Morro Bay

Makenzie, our Monitoring Projects Coordinator, at our site located on the Sandspit. Staff access the site via stand up paddle boards

Field Updates May 2021: Spring Eelgrass Monitoring

Monitoring staff conducts bioassessment site scouting in the Morro Bay watershed

Field Updates March 2021: Volunteer Monitoring Program Updates and Bioassessment Site Scouting

A San Diego Dorid in eelgrass.

Field Updates January 2021: Wildlife, Rainfall, and Flow Monitoring

Closeup of a tidbit

Continuous Water Temperature Monitoring in Our Creeks

Giant Water Bugs, also known as “Toe-Biters,” are large invertebrate predators with a powerful bite! Females typically deposit their eggs onto the males’ back, and the male “Toe-Biter” keeps the eggs safe until they hatch.

Bioassessment 2020: Highlights from the Season