
This group of smiling volunteers from Camp Rock participated in the Pick Up the Picnic Campaign last year, and made a big difference for Morro Bay. Thank you!

Independence Day and July 5th Cleanups in Morro Bay

No, that’s not a grass skirt. That is 25 eelgrass rhizomes tied onto rebar, ready to be planted.

Field Updates March 2018: Eelgrass Transplanting and Sediment Sampling

The crew of staff and volunteers harvested eelgrass in their assigned locations as the sun rose over Morro Bay. The crew of staff and volunteers harvested eelgrass in their assigned locations as the sun rose over Morro Bay.

Photograph Friday: Fieldwork Before Sunrise

Here, Shane places the quadrat at meter 75 of our 150-meter transect.

October Field Updates, 2016

Karen stands at Windy Cove.

2016 Volunteers of the Year

While pressure transducers and other automated equipment collect important data, much of our long-term dataset is collected by hand. Volunteers measure water quality each month by going out to creek or bay sites with equipment in hand. They take note of things like water temperature, dissolved oxygen content, and other measures that indicate creek health.

Where is the water? Tracking water in our creeks

The Tricorythodes pictured here was collected from our local creeks. This small mayfly is popular with fish, but they swarm upon hatching, making conditions difficult for fly fishing.

What Are Our Bugs Telling Us? Our Data is Here!

A surfboard works as the perfect desk for a day of eelgrass monitoring

March Field Updates

Charles Payton, Monitoring Volunteer of the Year, monitors water quality at a local creek.

Estuary Program Volunteers of the Year

We picked up 18 pounds of trash from the sandspit, which is essential habitat for many birds, including the snowy plover.

Give a Day for the Bay Success by the Numbers