
Field Updates May 2023: Taking a Closer Look at Macroalgae Within the Estuary

A tiny opalescent nudibranch sits on top of an eelgrass blade at low tide. Wildlife

Photograph Friday: Wild Looking Wildlife Spotted in Morro Bay’s Eelgrass

Eelgrass monitoring_landscape_with person_Morro Bay National Estuary Program


Morro Rock and a dense eelgrass bed at sunset

Field Updates November 2021: Eelgrass Monitoring Behind the Scenes

Monitoring eelgrass at a site near Morro Rock in December 2020.

Field Updates December 2020: Eelgrass Monitoring and Volunteer Monitoring Update

Field Updates February 2020: Creek and Eelgrass

Andi, eelgrass technician.

Field Updates, October 2019: Eelgrass Mapping, Ground-truthing, and Cal Poly Partnerships

Watershed Stewards Program members Melia and Doug work on counting the number of eelgrass shoots within a 0.5m by 0.5m area.

Field Updates December 2018: Eelgrass, Wildlife Sightings, Creeks, and Rainfall Totals

Factors That Affect Eelgrass Growth in Morro Bay #2: Biological Conditions and Human Factors

This eelgrass plot, transplanted in March of 2017, is thriving.

Field Updates August 2018: Monitoring Eelgrass Restoration Plots in Morro Bay