morro bay

The steelhead trout eggs were transported to us in protective netting.

Look Who’s Swimming in the Estuary Program Nature Center…Trout!

While monitoring eelgrass, our staff spotted this California sea hare under the water at Coleman beach.

The Morro Bay Estuary Poetry Contest Goes Wild

Estuary Program staff complete a habitat assessment during a bioassessment survey in 2015.

Spring Bioassessment – Join the Team!

Symbolic Fencing Helps Morro Bay’s Snowy Plovers

A Busy Weekend in Morro Bay

Be a Citizen Scientist

An Update on Microbeads and Ocean Pollution

What Estuary Program stories compel you?

An increase in water flowing through local creeks helps fish and other aquatic species. This picture was taken at Pennington Creek in 2011.

El Niño, Rain, and the Estuary

The boardwalk path through the elfin forest winds through eight different habitat types, and offers beautiful views of the estuary.

Great Family-Friendly Hikes Around the Estuary