morro bay national estuary

Polycera atra (top) and Polycera hedgpethi on Bugula brozoan prey San Luis Obispo County, California

Sea Slugs on the Move: Bent on World Domination, or Opportunistic Travel Bums?

Looking down the descent from Broderson Peak. Photograph from

Family-Friendly Hikes Around Los Osos

Morro Bay Wildlife Spotlight: California Brown Pelicans

Appreciating Wetlands Worldwide and at Home

Birds and Morro Bay

An increase in water flowing through local creeks helps fish and other aquatic species. This picture was taken at Pennington Creek in 2011.

El Niño, Rain, and the Estuary

What we’re thankful for

A harbor seal rests in the bay, beneath a sky full of smoke. Photograph by Ruth Ann Angus, August, 1994.

Fire and the Morro Bay National Estuary

A group of students note the plants and animals they've seen on a walk through the elfin forest.

Learn about the Morro Bay estuary with our staff