
Giant Water Bugs, also known as “Toe-Biters,” are large invertebrate predators with a powerful bite! Females typically deposit their eggs onto the males’ back, and the male “Toe-Biter” keeps the eggs safe until they hatch.

Bioassessment 2020: Highlights from the Season

A staff member stands in waders in a puddle on the mudflat.

A Day in the Life of a Field Tech: Eelgrass Monitoring, by Blake Toney

Morro Bay Eelgrass Restoration Update: May 2020

Field Updates January 2020: Eelgrass Success and Creek Water Quality

Field Updates November 2019: Eelgrass, wildlife sightings, weather

Andi, eelgrass technician.

Field Updates, October 2019: Eelgrass Mapping, Ground-truthing, and Cal Poly Partnerships

Lower Chorro Creek

Field Updates, August 2019: Creeks, Stream Profile Survey, Upper Watershed Views

Heavy machinery for regrading.

Floodplain Restoration Project Sneak Peek in Photographs

Shows a volunteer conducting water quality monitoring

Field Updates, June & July 2019: Creeks, Road Restoration, Eelgrass

Two members from the Watershed Stewards Program lay out eelgrass blades on a white board for counting and photographing.

Field updates April & May 2019: Monitoring Eelgrass and Creek Health