estuary program

The Morro Bay Watershed Native Plant Series

Field Updates January 2018

Western snowy plover. Photograph by Pacific Southwest Region Fish and Wildlife Service, via Flickr.

2017 Accomplishments: Community Projects Funded

We also spotted this crab in the eelgrass.

Field Updates December 2017

Sweet Springs, looking out at Morro Rock during the day.

Photo Friday: Changing Light Around Morro Bay

Collected seeds are held in mesh bags in the estuary until they mature. Mature seeds will have a hard, longitudinally ribbed coat and can vary in color, including olive, dark brown and black.

Field Updates September 2017: Pikeminnow and Eelgrass

Two SeaLife Stewards volunteers, ready to go out on the water safely.

Community Grants Benefit Morro Bay

Infected sea star; photograph taken on day one, June 27, 2014 on Guemes Island, Washington. Credit: Kit Harma, Evergreen Shore monitor.

Sea Star Wasting Disease | Monitoring in Morro Bay

Eelgrass Restoration in Morro Bay Spring 2017

State of the Bay 2017: Eelgrass, Sedimentation, and Climate Change