estuary program

Get Ready for Clean Boating on Morro Bay

We found this injured bird, which we later discovered was a red-throated loon, lying injured on the wet sand of Morro Strand Beach.

The Red-Throated Loon and Pacific Wildlife Care

Sacramento pikeminnow are a non-native voracious predator found in Chorro Creek. This pikeminnow is an adult that is about 20 inches long.

Chorro Creek: home to steelhead and voracious non-native pikeminnow

Field Updates October 2018: bioassessment scouting, Pismo Preserve, sharing data, and getting ready for rain

2018 Volunteers of the Year

We observed this juvenile steelhead trout during a fish survey on Chorro Creek.

FIELD UPDATES SEPTEMBER 2018: Fish Surveys, Fish Habitat, and Sharing What We’ve Learned

Native Plant Series #5: Riparian

There is a whole world in a few drops of water from the bay. This photograph shows plankton from a water sample under a microscope.

Photograph Friday: The Little Things

Shark Week 2018: Help Scientists Track these Essential Predators

Monitoring team works in the middle of the creek.

Field Updates April and May 2018: Bioassessment Monitoring and New Team Members