
Factors That Affect Eelgrass Growth in Morro Bay #1: Physical Conditions

Field Updates November 2018: Eelgrass Monitoring and Rainfall Totals

2018 Volunteers of the Year

This eelgrass plot, transplanted in March of 2017, is thriving.

Field Updates August 2018: Monitoring Eelgrass Restoration Plots in Morro Bay

We commonly spot this nudibranch, Hermissenda crassicornis, in depressions along the mudflat.

Field Updates July 2018: Reports, Mollusks in Eelgrass, and Fish in the Creeks

One new location is across from State Park Marina.

Field Update June 2018: Eelgrass

No, that’s not a grass skirt. That is 25 eelgrass rhizomes tied onto rebar, ready to be planted.

Field Updates March 2018: Eelgrass Transplanting and Sediment Sampling

One of our longtime volunteers works on harvesting eelgrass blades near Target Rock. Thanks, Marc!

Field Updates February 2018: Eelgrass Transplant Videos

Field Updates January 2018

Tim, a Watershed Stewards Program member, plants seeds.

2017 Accomplishments: Eelgrass Restoration Update