
Monitoring eelgrass at a site near Morro Rock in December 2020.

Field Updates December 2020: Eelgrass Monitoring and Volunteer Monitoring Update

Investigating the State of Morro Bay Estuary: State of the Bay Report 2020

A staff member stands in waders in a puddle on the mudflat.

A Day in the Life of a Field Tech: Eelgrass Monitoring, by Blake Toney

Morro Bay Eelgrass Restoration Update: May 2020

Field Updates February 2020: Creek and Eelgrass

Field Updates January 2020: Eelgrass Success and Creek Water Quality

Morro Bay estuary with bat ray pits, Morro Bay National Estuary Program

Updates from the Field, December 2019: wildlife, staff changes, and restoration

Your Top Blog Posts of 2019

Field Updates November 2019: Eelgrass, wildlife sightings, weather

Andi, eelgrass technician.

Field Updates, October 2019: Eelgrass Mapping, Ground-truthing, and Cal Poly Partnerships