
May 2024 Field Updates: Bioassessment Season Begins

EXO3 sonde in use at a creek site

Field Updates April 2022: Exploring Water Quality Data

Staff member holds a rock during bioassessment

Field Updates April 2021: Bioassessment Highlights and Volunteer Support

Bioassessment Survey Results 2020: Tracking the Health of Local Creeks

Giant Water Bugs, also known as “Toe-Biters,” are large invertebrate predators with a powerful bite! Females typically deposit their eggs onto the males’ back, and the male “Toe-Biter” keeps the eggs safe until they hatch.

Bioassessment 2020: Highlights from the Season

Mystery species number 1

Morro Bay Wildlife Spotlight: Mystery Species Revealed

Watershed Stewards Program members Melia and Doug work on counting the number of eelgrass shoots within a 0.5m by 0.5m area.

Field Updates December 2018: Eelgrass, Wildlife Sightings, Creeks, and Rainfall Totals

Matt, our Field Technician, works to identify and count the stages of the flowering shoots in a one-meter by one-meter plot.

Field Updates August 2017: Eelgrass and Creeks

Just three of our twenty-one great volunteers.

Field Updates May 2017: Bioassessment Surveys

Water levels in the salt marsh depend on the tides. Here, California horn snails are visible in a pool left behind as the tide went out.

Photo Friday: Focus on Water