
The Baycam watched on as rain moved over the Morro Bay estuary.

Morro Baycam: Live Video of Morro Bay Estuary

A discriminating eye can identify photos of sea otters that feature natural, undisturbed behaviors. Photo credit Gena Bentall Taken from shore, from 60 meters away, with 300mm zoom. Naps disturbed = 0.

Sea Otter Awareness Week Quiz

The best sea otter picture is one where the sea otters aren’t looking at the camera because they don’t even know you’re there. The photographer who captured this shot stayed quiet and kept far enough away from the otters so they could carry on resting, as they need to do to stay healthy.

How to Watch Sea Otters in Morro Bay (Without The Sea Otters Watching You!)

Lower Chorro Creek

Field Updates, August 2019: Creeks, Stream Profile Survey, Upper Watershed Views

The best sea otter picture is one where the sea otters aren’t looking at the camera because they don’t even know you’re there. The photographer who captured this shot stayed quiet and kept far enough away from the otters so they could carry on resting, as they need to do to stay healthy.

Be Sea Otter Savvy 2: Guidelines for Observing Sea Otters Safely