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Estuary Program Virtual Nature Center
Learn about the Morro Bay estuary from anywhere in the world!
Curious about the estuary, but aren’t able to make it to our nature center? Check out the resources on our virtual nature center instead! We have a variety of videos, games, and activities that allow you to learn about our watershed no matter where you are.
Mutts for the Bay - Dog Poop Pollutes!
Learn about the impact of pet waste in your local watershed!
Our Mutts for the Bay program stocks and maintains over 35 dog bag dispensers in Morro Bay and Los Osos. Each year we dispense over 250,000 bags, which keeps literally tons of pet waste out of our watershed!
Our “Dog Poop Pollutes” activities teach kids about the importance of eco-friendly dog ownership. They will learn about the connection between land and sea, nonpoint source pollution, water quality, and more. These lessons are suitable for both virtual and in-person learning. If you are an educator in the San Luis Obispo area, ask us about our in-school programming options! Curriculum development was funded by a generous grant from the Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust.

Bay-Friendly Superhero Activity Page
Be a bay-friendly superhero!
Our Morro Bay estuary needs YOU to guard its natural treasures. Head outside to see the estuary with your kids and complete the challenges on the Bay-Friendly Superhero Activity Page. Find out how your family can protect the estuary and be superheroes for the bay.

Water Usage Calculator
Estimate how much water you use at home each week and see how you can save with the water footprint calculator!
Answer simple questions about what you do around your home to see how much water you use each week. This free resource is available in English and Spanish, and includes tips for saving water as well as resources for educators.
Upstream Rush Video Game
Become a steelhead trout, race past obstacles, and jump to reach tasty bugs in Upstream Rush!
In this video game, you are a steelhead trout making the journey upstream toward freshwater pools after your time in the salty bay. Along the way, you must do your best to avoid fishermen hoping to catch you, seals and birds looking to make you into dinner, and more. Earn points by finding places to hide in the eelgrass or rocks while searching for bugs to eat to keep up your energy. It’s all about how aware and sneaky you can be as this game takes you through the wilds of the estuary and creeks in an Upstream Rush.
Marine Protected Area Collaborative Resources
Dive into Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and see how they protect California’s waters and wildlife.
The Morro Bay National Estuary Program is a member of the San Luis Obispo Marine Protected Areas Collaborative. The MPA Collaborative website has an extensive resource library, featuring free curriculum, lesson plans, and activities for kids in grades K-12.
Below are just a few of the resources offered by the MPA Collaborative. Click the links to learn more and download each resource for free!
Community Science Projects
Community science (also known as citizen science) is scientific work done by members of the general public, often in collaboration with scientists and researchers. Engaging community members allows for more data to be collected and analyzed, which can lead to greater scientific discoveries!
Check out the links below for some community science opportunities in-person and online.

Zooniverse.org is an online community science platform that has nearly 100 projects, ranging from journal transcription to bird identification. Join over 2 million volunteers that have made over 250 million classifications!

The California Academy of Sciences supports community science throughout the state. Click the link above to learn more about Cal Academy and how to get involved with annual projects such as City Nature Challenge and Snapshot Cal Coast.

The Estuary Program has several community science opportunities right here in Morro Bay! You can host a trash cleanup, track rainfall, or join our volunteer monitoring team.
Get Involved with the Estuary Program
The Estuary Program offers field trips, community events, volunteer opportunities and more. Check out the links below to find out more.