Blog Posts

Be Sea-Otter Aware in Morro Bay

The back bay is totally inundated at this high king tide.

Celebrating the Complexity of the Morro Bay Estuary

Here is a picture of the whole wonderful cleanup crew for 2017.

Coastal Cleanup Day 2017

Poison Oak: Nature’s Immune Response

Matt, our Field Technician, works to identify and count the stages of the flowering shoots in a one-meter by one-meter plot.

Field Updates August 2017: Eelgrass and Creeks

Morro Bay Wildlife Spotlight: California Brown Pelicans

Hummingbird sage, salvia-spathacea.

Photograph Friday: When Plants and Animals Swap Names

Two SeaLife Stewards volunteers, ready to go out on the water safely.

Community Grants Benefit Morro Bay

George and Estuary Program volunteer, Nick, finish planting eelgrass shoots within a one-meter squared plot.

Field Updates July 2017

Swell shark closeup by Josh More, via Flickr.

Morro Bay Wildlife Spotlight: Swell Shark