Blog Posts

Native Plant Series #6: Estuarine and Salt Marsh

2018 Volunteers of the Year

We observed this juvenile steelhead trout during a fish survey on Chorro Creek.

FIELD UPDATES SEPTEMBER 2018: Fish Surveys, Fish Habitat, and Sharing What We’ve Learned

Rain Comes to Morro Bay at the Start of a New Water Year

A mother sea otter and her pup float on Morro Bay above a seagrass bed.

How much do you know about Morro Bay’s sea otters?

A fun family competition lead to this group of dedicated volunteers picking up 664 cigarette butts. Wow!

Coastal Cleanup Day Volunteers

Native Plant Series #5: Riparian

This eelgrass plot, transplanted in March of 2017, is thriving.

Field Updates August 2018: Monitoring Eelgrass Restoration Plots in Morro Bay

A view from the Elfin Forest during the summer.

Opt Outside this Fall with Hikes Around Morro Bay

There is a whole world in a few drops of water from the bay. This photograph shows plankton from a water sample under a microscope.

Photograph Friday: The Little Things