Field Updates

February 2023 Field Updates: Monitoring Expansive Eelgrass Beds and Microscopic Plankton 

January 2023 Field Updates: Heavy Rainfall and High Flows

December 2022 Field Updates: Stormwater Runoff and Tracking Rainfall

Field Updates November 2022: Monitoring Salt Marsh Elevation Changes

Field Updates October 2022: How Eelgrass Monitoring Extends from the Office to the Estuary

Field Updates September 2022: Low Flow Monitoring

Field Updates August 2022: Tracking Seasonal Changes with Continuous Water Quality Data

Estuary Program Staff doing field work next to Morro rock

Field Updates July 2022: New and Upcoming Projects

Monitoring staff and WSP Corpsmembers monitoring eelgrass on the sandspit in Morro Bay.

Field Updates May 2022: Monitoring the Health of Our Eelgrass Beds

A California Red-legged frog. Copyright Morro Bay National Estuary Program

Gearing Up for Spring Bioassessment Monitoring at the Estuary Program