The protected waters of Morro Bay support a diverse range of plants and wildlife, as do the coastal habitats that surround the bay. In today’s Photograph Friday post, we’re celebrating that biodiversity in a fun way, by taking a peek at a selection of local plants and animals with interesting common names. Specifically, we’re focusing on plants that are named after animals and animals that are named for fruiting plants. Check them out below! See the bottom of the post for a giveaway opportunity.

Find out how sea lemons taste and smell to predators.

Learn about sticky monkey flower.

How cool are sea cucumbers? Pretty cool. Learn about them here.

Learn more about this very rare native plant.

Learn where you can find strawberry anemone hanging around.

This drought-tolerant native plant grows wild and can be cultivated in gardens.

Coyote bush, also known as coyote brush, is common around the Marina Peninsula trail at Morro Bay State Park. Learn more about coyote bush.