Our Give a Day for the Bay volunteer campaign came to a close this past weekend, and we are very happy with the results!
Here is a breakdown by the numbers:
6 partner organizations offered volunteer opportunities to benefit the bay.
10 cleanups happened, with 9 along the water’s edge, and 1 under the water.
192 volunteers gave a total of 572.5 hours to keeping Morro Bay clean and healthy!
Thank you partners and volunteers for your hard work!
Below, you’ll find pictures of Give a Day for the Bay volunteers in action. Enjoy!
Tsunami Debris Cleanup on the Sandspit at Montana de Oro
with ECOSLO and Surfrider

Cleanup of South Bay Boulevard
with Small Wilderness Areas Preservation (SWAP)

Cleanup of the Elfin Forest Shoreline
with Small Wilderness Areas Preservation (SWAP)

Three Cleanups of Centennial Parkway in August, September, and October
with Morro Bay in Bloom

International Coastal Cleanup Day on the Sandspit
with Morro Bay National Estuary Program (many thanks to San Luis Obispo county organizer,

Underwater Cleanup in Morro Bay
with Depth Perceptions Diving Services

Cleanup of Bayshore Bluffs Park
with Eco Rotary Club of Morro Bay

Cleanup at Morro Rock
with Surfrider and ECOSLO
Click here for pictures!
30 volunteers picked up 72 pounds of trash in just two hours!