Anyone who has visited the Morro Bay National Estuary knows that it’s a special place. It offers beautiful views, a wide range of recreational opportunities, delicious seafood, and critical habitat for diverse plant and wildlife species—many of which can’t be found anywhere else.
In order to give back, we’re asking everyone who loves the estuary—locals and visitors alike, to Give a Day for the Bay. That is, to donate time to help keep Morro Bay clean and healthy for all of us.
How to get involved
Give a Day for the Bay is a volunteer campaign that stretches from July 25 through October 18, 2015. You can pick from a menu of volunteer opportunities organized by some of our partners, or you can create your own bay-friendly service opportunities at home.
Pick a Day
Each organized volunteer opportunity benefits the estuary by removing trash and other debris from the watershed and waterways that lead directly to the bay. Choose from the following activities:
- Tsunami Debris Cleanup on the Sandspit with ECOSLO, Surfrider, and the Morro Bay National Estuary Program
Saturday, July 25, 2015, 9 to noon
Saturday, August 1, 9 to noon
Maximum 15 people
RSVP to Ron at
- Rid Centennial Parkway of trash and weeds with Morro Bay in Bloom
Saturdays, August 8, September 12, and October 17, 9 to 11 a.m.
- Participate in Coastal Cleanup Day, an international event that focuses on cleaning beaches and waterways around the world.
Saturday, September 19.
The Morro Bay National Estuary Program will be hosting a cleanup site on the sandspit.
Check out ECOSLO’s Coastal Cleanup Day page to sign up.
Saturday, September 26, 8 to 10 a.m.
Equipment available on a first-come-first served basis. Prizes given by drawing at the end of the event.
For more information or to RSVP, visit Depth Perceptions Diving Services, or contact Chuck Rawlinson at, or 805-595-3631.
- Pick up, Plant, and Picnic at the Bayshore Bluffs park with Eco-Rotary Club of Morro Bay
Saturday, October 10, 9 to noon.
RSVP to Trina Dougherty at
- Clean up the beach near Morro Rock with Surfrider, ECOSLO, and the Morro Bay National Estuary Program
Sunday, October 18, 5 to 7 p.m. No RSVP required.
Make a Day
If these organized volunteer opportunities don’t fit your needs or your fancy, don’t worry. You can still give a day for the bay on your own terms:
- Remove invasive plants from your yard and replace them with native plants
- Clean out your garage and cabinets, and dispose of hazardous materials properly
- Bring a bag to the beach and clean up your favorite spot to sit or surf
- Visit a local park, grab a Mutt Mitt, and tidy up after other dog owners
- Come up with your own idea that helps keep Morro Bay clean and healthy for plants, wildlife, and people alike
Share your Day
Whether you participate in an organized cleanup or give a day on your own, we want to hear your stories. Please share your pictures and an explanation of how you made a difference:
- Post them on the Estuary Program’s Facebook Page.
- Follow and tag us on Twitter and Instagram with @MorroBayNEP and #Giveadayforthebay.